

Latino voters will make up largest minority group by 2020 election, study says

Victor Landa February 4, 2019

By the 2020 presidential election Latino voters will make up the largest share of non-white eligible voters, according to a Pew Research Center study published Wednesday (Jan. 30). The study takes an […]

In Julián Castro’s presidential bid, Latinos see one of their own, defying stereotypes

Victor Landa January 28, 2019

Kushner floats deal of permanent protections for 1.8 million dreamers, LULAC chief says

Victor Landa January 25, 2019

Why the Latino sleeping giant will never awaken. And why that’s a good thing.

Victor Landa December 10, 2018

Somewhere deep in the bowels of Donald Trump’s political salt mines (This, of course, is pure conjecture. I don’t know that Trump has political salt mines or if they have […]

The effort to undermine minority voting

Victor Landa October 1, 2018

I see a clear method to the apparent madness of Texas redistricting. I fear that Texas is moving toward redistricting based on voter population only — disadvantaging minority voting — […]

Congressional candidate Gina Ortiz Jones addresses students

Victor Landa September 28, 2018

For Democratic candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, representation doesn’t “mean a more colorful picture, it means our voices, our experiences are at the table and impacting these decisions that affect our […]

US officials must now say “illegal aliens,” not “undocumented immigrants”

Victor Landa July 27, 2018

The US Department of Justice wants US attorneys offices to stop referring to undocumented immigrants, the term that media and immigrant advocates have increasingly used to refer to people who […]