UT-El Paso’s Chicano Studies Program Turns 40

UT-El Paso’s Chicano Studies Program Turns 40

Mary Mata November 22, 2010

Well this is an exciting milestone. The University of El Paso’s Chicano Studies program just turned 40 this year. What an amazing accomplishment, especially in these trying times, when places […]

‘Member the Chicano Moratorium?

Mary Mata September 20, 2010

The 40th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium has come and gone, with little fanfare anywhere except California. It’s unfortunate, when you think about it, because it means in a way that we haven’t really learned our lesson, even in the face of laws like SB 1070. I emailed NPR a story about the Moratorium to please reconsider their usual policy of ignoring Latino issues and make an exception for this. I got an auto response thanking me for my feedback.