

Latino millennials could play key role in election

NewsTaco September 19, 2016

*As always, the operative word in the headline is “could.” It all depends on Latino millennial turnout at the polls. VL By Mercedes Olivera, Dallas Morning News (3 minute read) […]

Obama Calls On Hispanic Leaders to Push Back Against ‘Bluster’ and ‘Higher Walls’

NewsTaco September 16, 2016

Latino voters in swing states could hurt GOP

NewsTaco September 12, 2016

NCLR Latino Voter Registration Money Fell from $7 Million to $1.5 Million

NewsTaco September 9, 2016

*The-importance-of-the-Latino-vote trope has been louder this year than in years past. But looking at the numbers above you begin to see how it’s been baseless wind. VL By Suzanne Gamboa, […]

Latinos have a date with the ballot box

NewsTaco September 8, 2016

*There’s a part of this column that brings to light something that is seldom considered in Latino political reporting: Latino voter registration non-profits are just now getting the funds they […]

Taco trucks on every corner? Business group wants them at every polling site instead.

NewsTaco September 7, 2016

*The taco truck wave doesn’t end. Maybe that’s a good thing. There’s a call now for taco trucks at every polling site. Are there that many taco trucks? VL By Ed […]

Could Texas Go Blue This November?


*Earlier this year the thought of Texas turning blue was a distant goal for state Democrats. Demography showed it was inevitable, just not this year. Donald Trump has changed things […]