Latino millennials could play key role in election

*As always, the operative word in the headline is “could.” It all depends on Latino millennial turnout at the polls. VL

By Mercedes Olivera, dallas morning newsDallas Morning News (3 minute read)

As the presidential race tightens up and polls start to show a closer match, we’re seeing more attention focused on key voting blocs, especially Latino voters.

Conversely, Latino voters are also keenly aware of this election and are talking about it with family, friends and co-workers.

But in this election year more than others, Latino millennials are coming under greater scrutiny as demographic changes become difficult to ignore.

“Historically, Latino millennials have lower-than-average turnout rates in elections, but they could be a critical component this year in swing states,” said Dr. Matt Barreto,a political science professor at the University of California at Los Angeles.

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“They’re finally coming onto people’s radar,” he said, and have become the target of Latino voter engagement programs across the country. READ MORE

[Photo courtesy of Mi Familia Vota]

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