Hablo Y Hablas: Arriba De La Pelota

It’s Friday! Time to forget about work for 48 hours, hangout with friends, let loose and enjoy the weekend. For some of us, that means partaking in a tasty alcoholic beverage or two during Happy Hour. Sometimes those two turn into three or six, and then we find ourselves “arriba de la pelota.”

Literally translated, “arriba de la pelota” means “on top of the ball”. In Chile, the phrase is used when people are drunk and having a good time. For example, “Megan anda arriba de la pelota” means “Megan’s drunk.”

Andrés Conejeros was born and raised in Santiago, Chile and has witnessed many of his friends “arriba de la pelota.” He explains the term in his own words.

If you have suggestions for Hablo Y Hablas, words or phrases from your life, feel free to email us at tips@newstaco.com.

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