Hablo Y Hablas: Chiflado

The word “chiflada” has followed me around for most of my life. In my family it means “spoiled” or “bratty,” but with an endearing context.

Of course my family is from Northern Mexico, so I thought it was a regional word, but other Mexicans I’ve run into either don’t know it, or have a different connotation for it (it also means “crazy”).

I’ve run into a few folks who know the word, but mostly everyone I know learns the word from me, as it provides a wide spectrum of uses. I use it to describe when people are acting silly or funny usually, but I use it liberally to describe just about anything I find endearing.

Have you heard this word before? If you have suggestions for Hablo Y Hablas, words or phrases from your life, feel free to email us at tips@newstaco.com.

[Video And Screenshot By NewsTaco]

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