Shop Talk: A Formula for Reaching Latino Voters?
NewsTaco October 31, 2014
*This is a pretty good read. It goes beyond the skimming-the-surface, talking points stuff. VL By Sean J. Miller, Campaigns and Elections For now, Democrats lead the way when it […]
Will Latinos Desert Democrats during the Mid-Term Election?
NewsTaco October 29, 2014
By Dr. Henry Flores, NewsTaco The short and quick answer to this question is “no.” The reasons are innumerable and I have pointed them out here before. But, it appears […]
For Texas Latinos, Voting Rights is Voter Education
NewsTaco October 28, 2014
By Rebecca Aguilar, NewsTaco Guadalupe Ruiz walked into a voting precinct in the south Dallas Oak Cliff section to cast her ballot on the first day of early voting in […]
Latina Candidates Run In Key States
*Looks like the Democrats have taken a leap, running more Latinas for statewide offices. The goal seems yo b beyond this midterm. VL By Laura Wides-Muñoz, Associated Press/Huffington Post Latino […]