

2015 Class of Latino State Legislators to Make History

NewsTaco November 18, 2014

PRESS RELEASE Latinos will serve in state legislatures of 38 states following Election 2014, with notable gains for Latino Republican state legislators nationwide Washington, D.C. – According to Election 2014 […]

The missing story of the 2014 election

NewsTaco November 17, 2014

Almost 80 Percent Of Latinos Elected To State Legislatures Are Democrats

NewsTaco November 11, 2014

Post-Election Analysis of Latino Voters


By Dr. Henry Flores, News Taco Bueno all the dust has finally settled.  Well, at least until after the meeting in the White House where it will be decided whether […]

The Most Latino Congress Ever Is Coming In 2015

NewsTaco November 7, 2014

*This is something good. The number of Latinos in Congress increased by one, for a total of 32. VL By Roque Planas, Huffington Post With 29 Hispanics in the U.S. […]

Facts and Fiction About Tuesday’s Latino Vote


By Pilar Marrero, NewsTaco LATINOS IN GENERAL VOTED MORE FOR REPUBLICANS FALSE:  This bold statement has been repeated in many times, based on an article in the NY Times. That […]

All About Latinos and the Midterm Election: the Outcome, the Turnout and the Missed Opportunities

NewsTaco November 6, 2014

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco You’d expect the day after a midterm election to be awash in opinion, commentary, punditry and speculation. Especially a midterm in which one political party took […]