

Top issues Latinos want the 114th Congress to address

NewsTaco January 9, 2015

*Another take of Latino Politics and the 114th Congress. Last week Suzzane Gamboa, of NBC News took a stab at a list. This one’s from Latinovations staff. Some marked differences: […]

In With the New: Meet Congress’ Latino Newcomers

NewsTaco January 5, 2015

5 Issues Latinos Will Watch In 2015

NewsTaco January 2, 2015

Republicans see diversity in their 2016 hopefuls

NewsTaco December 30, 2014

*There’s an underlying assumption that non-white voters aren’t very smart. There’s not much difference in a politician saying a few words in Spanish and a political party displaying “minority” candidates, […]

Politico: Obama May Give Dems 80 Percent of 2016 Latino Vote

NewsTaco December 22, 2014

*This is continued fallout from the Tom Perez assertion that “Obama is the first Latino president.” Several questions come to mind: Is 80% an overstatement? Does this mean that Latinos […]

The first Latino president?

NewsTaco December 19, 2014

*This article produced a minor cyber-quake this morning. So much was revealed about President Obama’s politics and how Latinos view him, and also about the parallel cyber universe. Obama’s Labor […]

Obama The ‘First Latino President’? No, But Here’s 6 Hispanics Who Might Be One Day


*Here’s a good response to Labor Secretary Tom Perez saying that his boss, President Obama, is the first Latino president. I don’t expect unanimous agreement on the politicians on the […]