

What Might Have Been; Treaties and Nation-Building

NewsTaco February 5, 2015

By Eduardo Diaz, Director/Smithsonian Latino Center “Great nations, like great men, should keep their word.” – Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Nation to Nation; Treaties Between the United States […]

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy


House Postpones Contentious Border Bill Indefinitely

NewsTaco February 4, 2015

Ethnic battles brewing in 2016 California U.S. Senate race?


*Tension are building in California over the race to replace Barbara Boxer. One way or another this will be resolved at the polls, but will this possible rift have consequences […]

Mexico ambassador nominee withdraws

NewsTaco February 2, 2015

*The nominee, Maria Echaveste, a former Clinton administration alumna, hasn’t gotten a confirmation hearing in six months. VL By Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico President Barack Obama’s nominee to be ambassador to […]

Freedom Summit Signals to the Latino Electorate

NewsTaco January 30, 2015

*Good analysis of anti-immigrant leader, Steven King’s, Freedom Summit. It’s not so much who was there, but who wasn’t. VL By Thomas Schaller, Latino Decisions What is the meaning of […]

Latina Teen Shot And Killed By Denver Cops Leads To Questions, Anger

NewsTaco January 29, 2015

*Community organizers are questioning the police officer’s decision to shoot into the car. VL By Adolfo Flores, BuzzFeed Jessica “Jessie” Hernandez was killed Monday in a confrontation with police who […]