Turnout among Hispanics is low, but they are well worth wooing
*From the article: ” … today’s (political) parties have no need to change their policies since Latino voters will move in their direction anyway.” The premise is that political outreach to […]
Where’s The Democrats’ National Latino Bench?
*Nuño says Sen. Menendez’s troubles have uncovered a void in the Democratic Party: Latinos have fought for representative districts, and those districts have produced politicians that have been placed in […]
How to fire up America
*Read this, share it, and share it again. One sentence in this article sums it up: “America needs its Latinos. To prosper, it must not exclude them, but help them […]
Bob Menendez Scandal: Who Is Dr. Salomon Melgen? Friend of US Latino Senator Under Scrutiny
*Here’s a glimpse of the Miami ophtalmologist involved in the Menendez corruption story. I’m not sensing any gray area when it comes to public opnion: Menendez is either corrupt, or […]