

Cruz Heavy on Border Rhetoric, Light on Trips

NewsTaco March 16, 2015

*It’s a political hot spot in his home state, and an issue at the top of the national agenda, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has issued pletny of harsh rhetoric about […]

Why Chicago Mayoral Candidate Chuy Garcia Has an Uphill Problem


Secretary of Labor Perez Rules Out Maryland Senate Run

NewsTaco March 13, 2015

Turnout among Hispanics is low, but they are well worth wooing


*From the article: ” … today’s (political) parties have no need to change their policies since Latino voters will move in their direction anyway.” The premise is that political outreach to […]

Where’s The Democrats’ National Latino Bench?

NewsTaco March 12, 2015

*Nuño says Sen. Menendez’s troubles have uncovered a void in the Democratic Party: Latinos have fought for representative districts, and those districts have produced politicians that have been placed in […]

How to fire up America


*Read this, share it, and share it again. One sentence in this article sums it up: “America needs its Latinos. To prosper, it must not exclude them, but help them […]

Bob Menendez Scandal: Who Is Dr. Salomon Melgen? Friend of US Latino Senator Under Scrutiny

NewsTaco March 10, 2015

*Here’s a glimpse of the Miami ophtalmologist involved in the Menendez corruption story. I’m not sensing any gray area when it comes to public opnion: Menendez is either corrupt, or […]