Rubio: I’ve done more immigration than Hillary ever did
*Immigration is going to be a big battle issue in the presidential election. Rubio launched his camp[aign by taking wshots at Hillary Clinton. Let’s hop[e their Latino outreach isn’t inly […]
The Defeat of ‘Chuy’ Garcia
NewsTaco April 13, 2015
*A pretty good dissection of Chuy Garcia’s runoff loss. There are two things to note: one is that nether Garcia in the runoff, nor Emanuel in the general election received […]
Marco Rubio Announces 2016 Presidential Bid
*There’s been speculation as to whether Rubio’s announcement one day after Hillary Clinton’s announcement would hurt or help the Florida Senator. On the one hand, some believe that Hilary’s announcement […]
Hillary Clinton’s First Campaign Video Has Español
*The news isn’t so much that Hillary announced her candidacy, it’s that she did it, finally. Maybe that’s why the video’s single line in Spanish got some attention – every […]