

Hillary Clinton-Julian Castro 2016: an already inevitable Democratic ticket?

NewsTaco April 15, 2015

*The first week after Hillary Clinton’s campaign launch isn’t over yet, and already there’s growing speculation about Julián Castro in the Democratic ticket. Granted, the speculation about Castro as VP isn’t […]

Latino Leaders Frustrated At Liberal Donor Plan To Fund 35 Groups, Zero Latino Groups


Rubio and Cruz as Great Brown Hopes show how little Republicans know about Latinos

NewsTaco April 14, 2015

Rubio: I’ve done more immigration than Hillary ever did


*Immigration is going to be a big battle issue in the presidential election. Rubio launched his camp[aign by taking wshots at Hillary Clinton. Let’s hop[e their Latino outreach isn’t inly […]

The Defeat of ‘Chuy’ Garcia

NewsTaco April 13, 2015

*A pretty good dissection of Chuy Garcia’s runoff loss. There are two things to note: one is that nether Garcia in the runoff, nor Emanuel in the general election received […]

Marco Rubio Announces 2016 Presidential Bid


*There’s been speculation as to whether Rubio’s announcement one day after Hillary Clinton’s announcement would hurt or help the Florida Senator. On the one hand, some believe that Hilary’s announcement […]

Hillary Clinton’s First Campaign Video Has Español


*The news isn’t so much that Hillary announced her candidacy, it’s that she did it, finally. Maybe that’s why the video’s single line in Spanish got some attention – every […]