

Study: Law Discouraged More Than Those Without Voter ID

NewsTaco August 7, 2015

*This is in Texas, where voter ID kept Latinos from the polls. The same could apply to all the other states where and ID requirement directly affects the outcome of […]

Obama to call for Voting Rights Act restoration on law’s anniversary

NewsTaco August 6, 2015

MALDEF welcomes fifth circuit rling that Texas voter ID law violates the Voting Rights Act


For tonight’s GOP debate, let’s play presidential brackets!


*I saw someone, somewhere, post a GOP debate drinking game. It sounded hilarious, but we can’t condone that sort of shenanigans. Here’s a great alternative – think of the NCAA, […]

In American politics, se habla español

NewsTaco August 3, 2015

*The use of Spanish in American politics is not new. Latinos, especially Mexican-Americans, have known this for generations. In fact, I’d say that part of the problem with low Latino […]

Why Jeb in Spanish wasn’t too different from Trump in English

NewsTaco July 31, 2015

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco I’ll give credit to Jeb Bush for doing the hard thing. He went on Spanish Television to talk to Latinos about why he’d be a good […]

California’s Xavier Becerra drops Senate ambitions, aims for House leadership post


*Becerra may be betting on the outcome of the 2016 congressional election. If the Democrats regain the majority he could be in line for a prominent leadership position. VL By […]