

Union Chief: Send 5,000 More Border Patrol Agents

NewsTaco September 16, 2015

*The Border Patrol union chief says they need more “boots on the ground.” Experience is showing that smarter enforcement is a better tactic against the drug cartels. VL By Julián […]

Trump Invite To Meet With Latino Coalition Requires Apology First


It’s not Trump, it’s his follwers – and a coming Latino tipping point

NewsTaco September 14, 2015

Births to illegal U.S. immigrants down 20 percent from 2007 peak: Pew


*The numbers prove that birthright citizenship is a non issue. If what the extreme right’s rhetoric denounces are the births of U.S. citizens to undocumented parents, then the trend doesn’t […]

Latinos for Donald Trump


*Here’s the gist of what Londoño is saying: Donald Trump is doing his part to anger the Latino community. What are we doing to turn that anger into action? VL […]

Civic Participation Rates Climb for Latino Youth

NewsTaco September 11, 2015

*800,000 Latinos turn 18 and become eligible voters every year. That’s a wonderful potential, but nothing more than that if they don’t register, vote, participate. Nothing beats a one-on-one ask […]

LA crime stats – Without Context We Are Lost

NewsTaco September 9, 2015

*I appreciate the way Sam Quiñones looks under the hood to see what’s driving the headlines. So often, especially in the digital free-for-all world, people react to a headline without […]