

Latino voters favor gun restrictions

NewsTaco December 4, 2015

*Given the events of this week in San Bernardino, and acknowledging that the mass murder was probably terror related, I though I’d re-post this survey, by Latino Decisions. If for […]

Latina Veterans proud to finally see all combat jobs open to women


Texas Realtor to Run for Hinojosa Seat

NewsTaco December 3, 2015

Who’s Next? Latinos, the Trump Phenomena and All the Rest of Us

NewsTaco December 2, 2015

*Short and succinct. Angelo Falcón says what many of us have been thinking. It’s not just Mexicans, and no, we haven’t been over-sensitive. As Donald Trump’s toxic rhetoric expands to include […]

Important Information For Parents


SPONSORED CONTENT (NAPSA)—Kids depend on their parents for guidance, and the help that they get can make a big difference in their lives. If you are the parent of a […]

‘Hispandering’ or just campaigning? Some try to give Latino outreach negative spin

NewsTaco December 1, 2015

*Good question. Where’s the line between campaigning and pandering? I ask because I’m sure there will be as many different answers as there are readers of this article. Next question, […]

Hispanic female first to reach rank of FL National Guard General

NewsTaco November 30, 2015

*This past week Colonel Valeria Gonzalez-Kerr was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the Florida National Guard, she’ll be assigned as Assistant Adjutant General. General Gonzalez-Kerr has an impressive […]