Who’s Next? Latinos, the Trump Phenomena and All the Rest of Us
*Short and succinct. Angelo Falcón says what many of us have been thinking. It’s not just Mexicans, and no, we haven’t been over-sensitive. As Donald Trump’s toxic rhetoric expands to include […]
Important Information For Parents
SPONSORED CONTENT (NAPSA)—Kids depend on their parents for guidance, and the help that they get can make a big difference in their lives. If you are the parent of a […]
‘Hispandering’ or just campaigning? Some try to give Latino outreach negative spin
*Good question. Where’s the line between campaigning and pandering? I ask because I’m sure there will be as many different answers as there are readers of this article. Next question, […]
Hispanic female first to reach rank of FL National Guard General
*This past week Colonel Valeria Gonzalez-Kerr was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the Florida National Guard, she’ll be assigned as Assistant Adjutant General. General Gonzalez-Kerr has an impressive […]