

The Koch brothers’ grand plan to liberate the poor

NewsTaco December 15, 2015

*Turkeys for votes? Thanks to Henry Flores for sending us this article. VL By Greg Sargent, The Washington Post The other day I noted that the Koch brothers were funding […]

‘Trump effect’ may fuel Latino voting


Hispanic Conservatives: Cruz “Perhaps Worse” Than Trump


Cuban-American billionaire launched campaign against Trump

NewsTaco December 11, 2015

*Fernandez made his billions in the health care sector and has paid for a full page ad in the Miami Herald that criticize Trump’s comments about Latinos. Any bets on […]

Clinton Hires Veteran Obama Operative To Run Paid Spanish-Language Media Operation

NewsTaco December 9, 2015

*This isn’t new to the more “plugged-in” Taquistas among you, but I post it anyway because it’s about one of our fold. Taquista James Aldrete, a loyal NewsTaco and Latino […]

So, now Trump’s a problem? – A letter to the mainstream

NewsTaco December 8, 2015

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Since last summer the political class – including politicians, pundits and reporters – have been asking how far would be too far for Donald Trump’s fear […]

Senate Skips Obama’s Latino Judicial Nominee’s Confirmation Vote


*When does this stop being OK? Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo is, by all accounts, a good and worthy jurist, yet his confirmation to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals has […]