

What I didn’t hear in the State of the Union speech, and why

NewsTaco January 13, 2016

Victor Landa, NewsTaco More than any other speech that President Obama has delivered, last nights’ State of the Union was done more for himself than for any audience, real or […]

In primaries, Latinos could be decisive in places like Texas, Florida and Nevada

NewsTaco January 11, 2016

After years of inaction on Obama nominees, Senate voting on federal judges


The Republican three-ring presidential show

NewsTaco January 7, 2016

*From our friend Tomas Ricardo’s perspective the GOP presiodential race is happening under the big top. VL By Tomas Ricardo, Friend of NewsTaco The vaudeville show is done. The entertainment […]

A first sighting of Texas open carry – pudgy, sort, side arm makes him think he’s taller

NewsTaco January 6, 2016

*For some people in Texas open carry is hilarious and scary at the same time. Our friend Tomas Ricardo says there should be a height restriction for open carry permits. […]

Latina selected as Yakima’s new mayor


*This is excellent news! Avina Gutierez and a group of Latino activists in Yakima, Washington, began a political revolution when they sued in federal court to change the at-large method […]

Donald Trump’s Presidential TV Ad to ‘Stop Illegal Immigration’ Doesn’t Really Show Latinos Crossing U.S.-Mexico Border


*The problem for Trump and his campaign is that they get sloppy becasue his followers don’t question what he says.There are many people, not his partisans, who watch what he […]