

New Hampshire’s Latino community may be small, but could be decisive in primary

NewsTaco February 8, 2016

*A small state, a big group of candidates . . .these are the conditions that open opportunities for a small segment of voters. Latinos may be 3 percent of the […]

The Republican ‘Elefante’ in the Room


Latinos will be crucial to keeping Clinton’s national lead over Sanders, experts say

NewsTaco February 4, 2016

Latino Turnout in Iowa Demands Attention From Campaigns, Experts Say

NewsTaco February 3, 2016

*”Latinos will turn out when they’re asked to vote.” The results of the efforts in Iowa prove that fact. But it isn’t a new idea. That’s been the formula for […]

2016 electorate will be the most diverse in U.S. history


*Lot’s of numbers in this peiece, but numbers tell stories. “There are 10.7 million more eligible voters today than there were in 2012. More than two-thirds of net growth in […]

The Winner of Last Night’s Iowa Caucus was Julián Castro

NewsTaco February 2, 2016

*Really? You think so? I understand the premise, but doesn’t imagining a Castro VP slot reduce him to a piece on a political chess board? The narrative becomes an “if-then” […]

Ted Cruz, reluctant Latino trailblazer


*The fact that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have gone farther than any other Latino presidential candidate gives them the title of trailblazer. It’s the “Latino” identity part that complicates […]