

In Nevada, young Latinos are ‘Bernie kids’ while their parents are ‘with Hillary’

NewsTaco February 17, 2016

*Is this any different from what’s playing-out across the country? There’s a generational divide among Democratic voters and it’s present in the Latino community as well. Latinas make political decision […]

Nevada’s Coveted Latino Voters

NewsTaco February 16, 2016

Rubio, Cruz and the politics of Latino Authenticity


The Irony of Scalia’s Legacy


*The irony, according to Ricardo, is that the groups of people most affected by Scalia’s decisions now hold the election of the next president under their sway, and the person who […]

10 Reasons Why Immigration Politics Will Affect the Latino Vote


*These are well known reasons, but I like that they’re organized and bolstered with data. VL By David Damore, Latino Decisions Senior Analyst (4 minute read) As immigration rhetoric in the Republican […]

The Supreme Court Minus Scalia, a case breakdown

NewsTaco February 15, 2016

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco (5.5 minute read) The big news over the weekend is the passing of Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice Antonin Scalia. There’s been a relentless stream of reports […]

Who’s funding voter suppression?


*This case becomes more important in light of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. But aside from the case itself, the thing to look for is where the […]