

Is there a place for the Mexican flag in U.S. political protests?

NewsTaco May 2, 2016

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco “Protesters chose to bring out the Mexican flag to demonstrate their culture and not their nationality.” -David B. Villanueva, 23, of Chicanos Unidos in Santa Ana, quoted […]

Latino activists vow more Trump protests as tensions heighten


Koch network’s organization accused of exploiting Latinos


Diluting the Latino Vote in CA’s Central Valley

NewsTaco April 29, 2016

*It’s an uphill battle without a strong Voting Rights Act. But MALDEF, chips away at gerrymandering one district at a time. VL By Marcus Castro, South Kern Sol/New America Media  BAKERSFIELD, […]

Trump can’t get to the White House without the Latino vote

NewsTaco April 27, 2016

*As Donald Trump solidifies his place as the GOP presidential nominee, let’s keep this in mind. VL By Enrique Acevedo, Fusion Over the past two decades the Latino vote has grown […]

Orange County activists want to unite Arabs and Latinos to build political voting influence

NewsTaco April 26, 2016

*Here’s something different. Think it’ll work? VL By Erika Aguilar, KCBX Santa Ana high school cultural ethnics and history teacher Ben Vazquez, 45, invites guests on the food tour in […]

Will Hispanic Millennials Vote?

NewsTaco April 22, 2016

*Boomer parents, millennial kids, Hillary v Bernie, it happens in the Latino community as well. VL By Pricilla Alvarez, The Atlantic (2 minute read) The Hispanic population is looking young. […]