Latinos: COVID-19 Disrupts Finances, Daily Life, Mental Health

U.S. Latinos are more likely than all Americans to say the coronavirus pandemic changed their daily lives, and disrupts their mental health, finances, and jobs.
COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate.
But U.S. Latinos are more likely than all Americans to say the coronavirus pandemic changed their daily lives, and disrupts their mental health, finances, and jobs, according to new Pew Research Center surveys.
“Latinos make up significant portions of the hospitality, construction, leisure and agricultural sectors of our labor market, and are the largest uninsured population in America,” wrote Kristian Ramos, ex-spokesman for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, for The Hill. “These workers and uninsured families are unable to telecommute, will not be paid if their jobs are lost, and likely do not have immediate access to health care.”
Latino Daily Life During COVID-19
Early on in the outbreak, Pew Research Center reported that a higher percentage of U.S. Latinos said coronavirus is a threat to day-to-day life (49%) than the overall population (36%).
Those fears seem well-founded.
Since then, almost 9 of 10 of all adults say their personal life has changed “at least a little” due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a March 30, 2020 survey of 11,537 people by Pew Research Center.
Coronavirus has caused a “major” change in life for 44% of adults.
More Latinos experience this major change (47%) than their white (45%) and black (34%) peers.
A separate poll by Kaiser Family Foundation on April 2, 2020, found similar percentages of Latinos (40%), whites (45%), and blacks (47%) who say coronavirus has disrupted their lives “a lot.”
“No group seems immune to the disruption by coronavirus,” according to the foundation.
Latino Job Loss During COVID-19
Even before COVID-19, Latinos struggled with poverty and low income.
Now Latinos, young adults, and low-income groups are hit hardest by coronavirus-related job loss, according to a Pew Research Center survey on March 26, 2020.
“Nearly half of Hispanics (49%) say their household has had someone lose their job or take a pay cut because of the COVID-19 outbreak,” according to the survey. “Smaller shares of black (36%) and white (29%) people say the same.”