Castro stands up for issues that matter to Latinos

Is standing up for Latinos enough to get Julián into the next - mega - debate?
Wednesday night’s Democratic debate is the last call for what Vox termed the “mega-debate.” By September, the standards to qualify for the big stage will be significantly higher, so tonight was likely the last we may be seeing of several candidates who have so far failed to make it to the top-tier in polling or have a breakout moment. To his credit, Julián Castro made a solid case for decriminalizing illegal entries into the US. Repealing “Section 1325,” he explained, is important because the Trump administration has used this law as the legal basis for family separations – and getting rid of this provision will ensure that this never happens again.
When Joe Biden disagreed, Castro clapped back with “It looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past, and one of us has not.”