Latino voting bloc could be the second most important in 2020

New figures from the Pew Research Center estimate that the strength of the Latino vote in 2020 will grow to become the second largest in the nation.
The Hispanic population’s exponential growth in the U.S. that has long been expected, is now fully upon the country. Totaling an approximate 58 million people, the Latino community has become one of the country’s largest, and most important, demographic groups today. During the mid-term elections, we learned the true effect of 27.3 million Latino voting bloc, after the Democrats took back the majority in the House of Representatives, with voters electing one of the most diverse groups of representatives in the nation’s history.
The election of more than 30 new Latinos to public office demonstrated the importance of political campaigns that recognize the growth of this population.
Now, and in anticipation of the 2020 presidential elections, Latinos are once again at the center of attention.