NewsTaco Rundown – January 29, 2019

Today's U.S. Latino news, curated for you by NewsTaco.
Nobody Believes A Wall Will Stop Illegal Immigration – Forbes
In a January 25, 2019, speech, Donald Trump argued on behalf of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border by stating, “Israel built a wall, 99.9% successful, won’t be any different for us.” However, there appears to be a logical disconnect between insisting a wall will stop illegal immigration and at the same time increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. Simply put, if a wall was 99.9% effective in stopping illegal entry, then there would be little work for Border Patrol agents to do.
First Major Latino-Owned And -Operated Studio Launches In Atlanta – WABE
The first major Latino-owned and -operated movie production studio in the United States, Areu Bros., is expected to open for business in southwest Atlanta this year. African-American filmmaker and media mogul Tyler Perry recently moved his studios to the site of an old army base called Fort McPherson. That left the old site, in southwest Atlanta, vacant. The former president of Tyler Perry Studios is a man named Ozzie Areu. Areu said he drove through the old studios in January 2018 and had an idea. “The studio was for sale for a while, and I was obviously still working for Tyler,” Areu said. “And I just had that moment, that overwhelming, ‘You have to buy this.’”
Trump National Golf Club Fires Dozens of Undocumented Immigrants – Fortune
Dozens of undocumented immigrants employed by Donald Trump’s ‘Trump National Golf Club’ in Westchester County, NY were fired earlier this month, as Trump waged a war in Washington to keep others like them from entering the country using a border wall.
New climate initiative ‘heats up’ in Latino communities across the country – Latina Lista
It is a myth that Latinos don’t have the time nor interest to care about climate change. The truth is quite the opposite: Latinos have long been leading the fight against dangerous air pollution that contributes to climate change in their communities. And why not? Latinos are disproportionately impacted by both air pollution and climate change.
NBC calls Tom Brokaw’s assimilation comments ‘inaccurate and inappropriate’ – CNN Business
NBC News, facing mounting backlash stemming from former “NBC Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw‘s comments that Hispanics should “work harder at assimilation” into American culture, distanced the network from his “inappropriate” commentary. “Tom’s comments were inaccurate and inappropriate and we’re glad he apologized,” an NBC spokesperson said Monday.
AP Explains: Anti-assimilation claims haunt Latinos, Asians – Associated Press
Beliefs that Hispanics and Asians living in the U.S. won’t assimilate or refuse to speak English are based on stereotypes that scholars say are linked to notions of white supremacy. Throughout American history, Hispanics and Asians have been pressured to adopt the customs of the mainstream white population. The pressure came even as some laws forbade them from voting, intermarrying and having access to education and public facilities.
The Green New Deal Must Benefit Black And Hispanic Americans – Forbes
The presence of domestic solar panels has boomed across America, but predominantly in white neighborhoods, even after controlling for household incomes and levels of homeownership. The findings show that census areas with over 50% black or Hispanic populations have “significantly less” presence of domestic solar panel installations than other areas. This suggests that the solar industry is not serving all Americans equally.