Today’s Latino News Headlines – August 7, 2018

U.S. Latino news headlines, curated daily by NewsTaco.
Black Man Who Filmed Latino Workers Striking Is Fired from His Job, Regrets Nothing – The Root
Remeber this guy with the running commentary from yesterday’s headlines? He recorded a group of Latino construction workers who walked off their job site in solidarity after two other Latinos were fired. Because of that, now he’s been fired., and he’s cool with that.
Cómix Latinx: Fans Find Representation at Texas Latino Comic Con – Comicosity
The lead says “Fan conventions to some outsiders may seem like a strange group of obsessed individuals coming together to “geek out” about a common devotion.” Yeah, add Latino to the mix and you have Texas Latino Comic-Con. Takeaways: This is a large affinity group, looking for identity and community; they have organizing energy; they’ve been successful, two years running.
Dear Democrats, Latinos can’t hear you – Al Día
Al Dia is very well regarded in the Chicago area, so the fact that they say this is important. But also, it applies to the rest of the country. The subhead reads: “The Democratic Party remains committed to following strategies that have already been defeated in politics, once again ignoring one of the most important demographics to take back the majority in Congress: the Hispanic community.
Darren Soto leads opposition letter to Census question on citizenship – Florida Politics
This issue isn’t going to go away. Soto is the Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and there’s a steady drumbeat from DC to grassroots about this citizenship question.
Trump may not be enough to swing Latino turnout Democrats’ way – CNN
Bottom line, the anti-Trump message isn’t gaining traction. The piece mentions the San Antonio Ortiz – Hurd race, but in this case, Trump has nothing to so with it. Hurd is popular and strongly anti-Trump, so its a wash. The silver lining is that no one os pushing the panic button, yet, and polls indicate that Latinos still favor Dems are Reps.
Progressives urge Democrats to forge more ‘multiracial, multicultural’ party – The Guardian
This is a report of the Netroots Nation conference where Julian Castro and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were headliners. The conclusion? Dems need to lean left-er, sorta. Becasue, “Progressives’ attempt to remake the party’s politics and its strategy puts them at odds with some party leaders and Washington-based Democrats. There is concern that the party’s leftward shift will alienate moderate voters in the red-state districts they must win to reclaim the House majority in November.”
]The state of US immigration policy and how to improve it – Brookings
It’s Brookings, so it’s worth the read. The piece makes solid points against tough immigration policy and family separation, then dives into an analysis of what SCOTUS and Congress are up to.
Citizenship Questions in the 2020 Census Designed to Intimidate Latino Communities – Real News
Speaking of the Census citizenship question. Real News, out of Baltimore, says the whole thing is designed to intimidate Latinos.
Now the Trump administration wants to limit citizenship for legal immigrants – NBC News
The Trump administration will put up a roadblock to citizenship this week – if you’ve ever received public assistance (including Obamacare) it’ll be harder to become a U.S. citizen.
Immigration “loophole” that Trump bemoaned returns after zero tolerance rollback – Texas Tribune
Meanwhile, immigration policy is chaotic: “A head-spinning sequence of events — chaotic procedural changes, followed by furious public outcry and abrupt policy reversals — appears to have put the Trump administration back where it started: running an immigration enforcement system in which migrant families who cross the border illegally are allowed to stay in the country while the government processes their asylum claims.”
TheSpike in Immigration Prosecutions Is Causing Other Crimes to GoUnpunished – Mother Jones
File this under unintended consequences. “...the number of immigration-related prosecutions filed along the border spiked by 79 percent between March and June. During the same period, the number of non-immigration prosecutions declined by 35 percent. Non-immigration offenses accounted for just 6 percent of prosecutions in districts along the Mexican border in June, compared to 14 percent in March.”