Today’s Latino News Headlines – July 31, 2018

U.S. Latino news headlines, curated daily by NewsTaco.
3 Ways To Engage U.S. Hispanic Audiences Effectively – MediaPost
When brands think about reaching Hispanic audiences in the United States, they often consider which language to advertise in or which aspect of their rich culture to highlight. While there is no question that this is invaluable for any advertising push aimed at U.S. Hispanics, there’s another facet that brands also need to examine, i.e., the platforms actively used by this audience.
Retired federal judges offer to help immigration case backlog – CNN
With more than 700,000 open cases as of May, judges face a heavy case load. To alleviate the burden, two retired federal judges have proposed a solution: bring jurists like them back to the bench.
Black, Hispanic homeownership rates fall in second quarter – Housingwire
The Hispanic homeownership rate also fell from 48.4% in the first quarter to 46.6% in the second quarter. However, this is still up from 45.5% in the second quarter of 2017.
Audiences are shrinking for Hispanic- and black-oriented U.S. news media – NeimanLab
In a fact sheet released this week, Pew looks at how “news media made by and for the two largest racial/ethnic minority groups in the United States — blacks and Hispanics” is performing and finds that, as with news media in general, audiences are shrinking.
Appalachia has a booming Hispanic population— and its growing food scene is making an impact – Mic
From strip malls to historic downtown landmarks, buildings across Appalachia today are telling stories of a changing region. Former nail salons, once-stately banks and empty storefronts are beginning fresh chapters in their lifecycle as Hispanic groceries, Mexican restaurants and Latinx-operated small businesses.
New Med School in Southern California Aims to Tackle Doctor Shortages – U.S. News & World Report
THE Claremont Colleges plans to open a medical school, the fourth new campus designed to produce physicians for parts of Southern California struggling with shortages. The Keck Graduate Institute School of Medicine will focus on primary care and treating the growing Latino population in California, institute officials announced this week. The school hopes to hire its founding dean by next summer, and open a few years after that.
Palmetto Politics: Charleston Dems launching first-ever Hispanic voter outreach – Post and Currier
As part of a larger effort to reach the Hispanic voting population, Charleston County Democrats have launched a new Spanish website. The page,, is not a Spanish version of the local party’s current website but is more specific.
Philadelphia to stop giving ICE access to real-time arrest database – USA Today/Associated Press
Philadelphia will stop giving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to a real-time arrest database, saying the agency is misusing the information to conduct sweeps in which otherwise law-abiding immigrants are also being caught up. Federal officials said the decision puts U.S. citizens in danger.
Hope for immigrants: U.S. is giving $10 million to help legal residents become citizens -Miami Herald
Despite a new set of guidelines and procedures that tighten U.S. immigration policies and expand the possibility of deportations of legal residents, the U.S. government is offering to help lawful permanent residents who apply for citizenship. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced this week it will use funds collected through fees paid to the service to subsidize citizenship preparation programs across the country under the Citizenship and Assimilation Grant Program.
6 year old sexually abused in immigrant detention center after being separtated from mother – Newsweek
Documents obtained by The Nation show the girl was abused at the Casa Glendale facility near Phoenix, Arizona, by an older child being held there. She was then made to sign a form that said she would keep her distance from her abuser.
Protestors in Houston calling for immigration policy change – Houston CW 39
Houstonians took to the streets SAturday for a call to action. They’re demanding local GOP Leaders and the Trump administration to unite immigrant families who are still separated. Texas state senator Sylvia Garcia and other immigrant organizations teamed up at Settegast Park and marched to a proposed facility at 419 Emancipation where kids separated from their parents could be housed.
Legal immigration proves difficult for impoverished families – WAND-TV/Associated Press
At a time when President Donald Trump and other conservatives are repeatedly calling on people to come here legally, most immigrants have few options to do so under the country’s complex immigration system. Visas are hard to come by, especially for immigrants struggling with poverty and joblessness in Central America. The other main option for legal immigration — getting a family member who is an American citizen or green card holder to sponsor them — can take more than a decade.
Amazon’s Face Recognition Disproportionately Matched Congressional Members of Color With Mugshots – The Root
Twenty-eight members of Congress, including six members of the Congressional Black Caucus, were falsely identified as suspects charged with a crime on Amazon’s facial recognition technology, according to a test conductedby the American Civil Liberties Union. The test results of Amazon Rekognition, released Thursday, revealed that most of the politicians misidentified by the technology were black and Latino, including U.S. Rep. John Lewis.
Trump threatens shutdown over wall, immigration – CNN
President Donald Trump threatened Sunday to push the government into a shutdown ahead of the coming spending deadline in September if Congress does not fund his border wall and change the nation’s immigration laws.
Fixing Flores agreement is the only solution to immigrant family separation and detention – USA Today
For years, Congress has failed to take one simple step which could have prevented the family separations we now decry: repealing the Flores v. Reno consent decree as it relates to families. When the U.S. government first entered into the Flores consent decree it was a much-needed step towards ensuring the humane and dignified treatment of unaccompanied alien children — children often thousands of miles from their parents. That decree required immigration authorities to release children from custody within 20 days in favor of finding foster families or other placements. But in 2015, a single court in California expanded Flores to children with their families, an expansion with dramatic consequences.
David Garcia is standing in the Democratic primaries for Arizona’s upcoming gubernatorial race, refusing corporate money, and betting that he can overcome the plutocratic de facto rulers of the state and their well-funded water-carriers in the state government by campaigning for progressive policies, rather than against the state’s (admittedly deplorable) Republicans.
Survey: Majority of battleground voters oppose current immigration policies – Houston Chronicle
The majority of likely voters from congressional districts that are considered battlegrounds oppose the Trump administration’s immigration policies, according to a new national survey. Nearly 75 percent surveyed indicated they are angry about the separations of children from their parents seeking asylum at the border with Mexico.
White threat in a browning America – Vox
In 2008, Barack Obama held up change as a beacon, attaching to it another word, a word that channeled everything his young and diverse coalition saw in his rise and their newfound political power: hope. An America that would elect a black man president was an America in which a future was being written that would read thrillingly different from our past. In 2016, Donald Trump wielded that same sense of change as a threat; he was the revanchist voice of those who yearned to make America the way it was before, to make it great again.
Like I am trash’: Migrant children reveal stories of detention, separation – NBC News
For six days after being detained and separated from their mother at the border, Franklin, an 11-year-old Honduran boy, and his 7-year-old brother Byron slept very little and were constantly cold as they huddled under foil-sheet blankets. “They would wake us up at 3 in the morning and we were so tired,” he said, adding that he didn’t know why they would wake all the children up. The ham they gave the children was cold and raw, he said.
Study: Student loans hamper wealth accumulation among black, Hispanic adults – EurekaAlert
Black and Hispanic adults who graduate college owing money on student loans have significantly lower net worth at age 30 than students who don’t borrow to pay for college, a new study suggests.
Survey reveals opportunities for cultural accommodation in assisted living – McKnight’s Senoir Living
More than one-fourth of Hispanic adults said they believe it would be very or moderately difficult for older Latinos in their area to find an assisted living community where their language is spoken by staff members, according to results of the survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
How Does Acculturation Level Shape Latinas’ Worldview? – Portada
Latinas have increasingly become bread-winners and decision makers in their household. It is worth taking into account certain characteristics of Latinas, as marketers can learn a lot about how to approach them depending on how they see life. Research shows that acculturation level (the extent to which they have adopted American customs and the English language) influences Latinas’ attitudes and life perspectives a great deal, which is why brands should take that into account when addressing Hispanics, and Latino women in particular.