Today’s Latino News Headlines – July 23, 2018

U.S. Latino news headlines, curated daily by NewsTaco.
Lupe Valdez, Texas Democrat running for governor, undaunted by odds – NBC News
Democrats’ excitement over the highly competitive U.S. Senate race where Rep. Beto O’Rourke is making Ted Cruz, the Republican incumbent, nervous may boost turnout for other Democrat candidates.
Latino journalists are dissatisfied with their current salaries, limited options to increase them and a lack of opportunities for training and promotion in the nation’s newsrooms, according to a study conducted by University of Texas at El Paso researchers and NAHJ
A new corporate lobbying firm is taking identity politics seriously – The Intercept
The firm is called United by Interest, and it was founded with the insight that of the 100 poorest congressional districts, 32 are represented by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, 20 by a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and 22 by a Republican either in the Freedom Caucus or the conservative Republican Study Committee.
AP Explains: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo remains hot topic – Townhall
Republican Congressman Steve Pearce of New Mexico has introduced a bill aimed at giving Hispanic families stronger measures to review claims of lost lands under the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo — the treaty that ended the U.S.-Mexican War. Meanwhile, New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas announced this week he is seeking to void a 2003 land transfer from a historic Hispanic land grant in New Mexico to a Colorado group on grounds it was illegal. The land grant is also protected by the treaty.
LULAC National Convention tackling tough issues facing Hispanics – ABC 15
The group’s president said it is paying particularly close attention to Arizona in the November election this year with Senator Jeff Flake’s seat open, and Senator John McCain battling health issues.
Koch Brothers Mount Grassroots Effort to Support Immigration – TIME
As the son of Mexican migrant workers and a veteran of the George W. Bush Administration, Daniel Garza has been frustrated by President Donald Trump’s hard-line approach to immigration. To push back on it, he’s revving up a grassroots effort to lobby Congress, backed by the billion brothers Charles and David Koch.
To win over moderates, Democrats need a coherent immigration policy – Los Angeles Times
Two conflicting trends emerge from a new poll conducted by the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. Americans are largely unsupportive of President Trump’s approach to managing immigration. At the same time, they trust him to handle many aspects of the issue as much as, or more than, they trust congressional Democrats on the issue.
What U.S. immigration policy has to do with wages and labor shortages – Marketplace
There were more reported job opportunities than unemployed people in May. This suggests that the economy is dealing with a labor shortage, but that raises the question of where these workers will come from when current U.S. immigration policy is reducing the amount of immigrant labor.
SCOTUS Sets Up Potential Immigration Train Wreck – Center for Immigration Studies
The Supreme Court issued a decision last month (Pereira v. Sessions) that could have potentially devastating consequences for removal proceedings, both presently pending and completed. At issue in that case was whether an alien who had been served a notice to appear (NTA) that did not contain the time and date of his initial hearing was barred from applying for cancellation of removal under section 240A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Non-Citizen and Wish You Could Vote Against Trump? With the Love Vote, You Almost Can – The Daily Beast
The Love Vote provides a platform for these voting-inelgible Americans to speak to enrolled voters. They create videos and share their stories so that their issues are not forgotten when people make it to the polls. The Love Vote’s premise is pretty simple. It functions like a crowdfunding website. But instead of raising money, it raises votes.
Trump’s job approval stable, but gets low marks on trade, immigration and Russia: NBC News-WSJ poll – CNBC
Fewer than four in 10 American voters approve of Donald Trump’s handling of foreign trade policy, treatment of immigrant families at America’s southern border, and relations with Russia, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has found.