Don’t tell me to give Trump a chance

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco (1 minute read)  

I’ll keep this short because there’s no need to belabor something obvious.

Give Trump a chance, has been the refrain from Donald Trump supporters to those who are critical of the 45th President.

The surface-level implication is that Donald Trump hasn’t had a chance to prove himself as president and has a right to test his mettle.

[pullquote]He is president, by default he gets his chance, there’s nothing to give.[/pullquote]

But there’s an underlying implication

It’s that we should forget his campaign rhetoric, that we should forget his insults and classless demeanor, his misogynistic attitude, his condescension, his stirring of the most hateful nativism and racism.

Give him a chance implies he deserves something that is his already. He is president, by default he gets his chance, there’s nothing to give. The question is not what we’ll give, but what he’ll do with his chance.

The onus is on Trump to make something of the chance he is getting.

The last implication is the meaning of the phrase, because if there’s nothing to give and if we’re to forget what has been said, if we’re told  “give him a chance” when we critique or protest, then it means sit down, shut up.

And that’s not going to happen.

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