Love Is Love for Latinos

*More Latinos are in favor of same-sex marriage. No different from the general public. So much for the myth of the socially conservative Latino. VL

u.s. news & world report logoBy Dan Cox, U.S. News & World Report

Before Donald Trump suggested that Mexican immigrants were largely criminals and rapists; before Ted Cruz dubbed illegal immigrants “undocumented Democrats” and before the 2012 GOP autopsy signaled a growing concern over the party’s difficulty attracting Latino voters, there was a sense among conservative pundits and elected leaders that Latinos could be an ally to the conservative cause. Charles Krauthammer, for instance,argued that Latinos are a “natural Republican constituency” because they are family-oriented, religious and socially conservative. The problem with this analysis, at least when it comes to same-sex marriage, is that Latinos have never been uniquely opposed to gay rights. Rather, their views have mirrored the general public and have followed roughly the same trajectory. Today, a majority (54 percent) of Latinos in the U.S. favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally; nearly identical to the support among the public overall.

Latinos are also not monolithic on this issue. And just like other Americans, their views are fractured along generational and religious lines.


[Photo by Just Out/Flickr]

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