Arizonan rips ‘Spanish-Mexican’ mayor invitation

*For the record, the name Huachuca, the name of the town where this man is mayor, is in the Apache language and means thunder mountain. Mayor Ken Taylor refused an invitation to a U.S.-Mexico Mayor’s conference because the invitation was in English and “Spanish/Mexican.” You gotta read it to believe it. VL

El-Paso-Times-logo-1By Aaron Martinez, El Paso Times (7 minute read)

An Arizona mayor refused an invitation to a meeting of U.S. and Mexican border city mayors because it was written in both English and Spanish.

Huachuca Mayor Ken Taylor [Photo courtesy of Huachuca City]
“I will NOT attend a function that is sent to me in Spanish/Mexican. One nation means one language and I am insulted by the division caused by language,” Huachuca City Mayor Ken Taylor said in an email Wednesday to former El Paso Mayor John Cook, who is executive director of the U.S.-Mexico Border Mayors Association.

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The invitation was for an Aug. 24 meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Border Mayors Association in Laredo, Texas. The invitation was in both English and Spanish. READ MORE

[Photo by J. Stephen Conn/Flickr]

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