It’s 2016 and Latino Representation on TV Is Finally Starting to Reflect Reality

*Well that’s a step in a good direction. VL

arts_micBy  Ellie Kaufman, Mic

Latinos make up 17% of the U.S. population. They account for 32% of frequent moviegoers. But as Flavorwire put it bluntly last year, Hollywood made the same number of films about Latinos as they did about monkeys in 2015.

Hollywood’s diversity problem is nothing new. (See #OscarsSoWhite: The Sequel.) According to Jessica Gonzalez, executive vice president of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, representation of Latinos in particular is lagging.

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“We’re way behind,” Gonzalez said in a phone interview. “We’re totally underrepresented, and it’s a missed opportunity.”

But there are encouraging signs . . . READ MORE

[Photo courtesy of NBC]

Suggested reading

Luis Valdez
Luis Valdez
This critically acclaimed play by Luis Valdez cracks open the depiction of Chicanos on stage, challenging viewers to revisit a troubled moment in our nation’s history. From the moment the myth-infused character of El Pachuco burst onto the stage, cutting his way through the drop curtain with a switchblade, Luis Valdez spurred a revolution in Chicano theater.
Focusing on the events surrounding the Sleepy Lagoon Murder Trial of 1942 and the ensuing Zuit Soot Riots that turned Los Angeles into a bloody war zone, this is a gritty and vivid depiction of the horrifying violence and racism suffered by young Mexican Americans on the home front during World War II. Valdez’s cadre of young urban characters struggle with the stereotypes and generalizations of America’s dominant culture, the questions of assimilation and patriotism, and a desire to rebel against the mainstream pressures that threaten to wipe them out.
Experimenting with brash forms of narration, pop culture of the war era, and complex characterizations, this quintessential exploration of the Mexican-American experience in the United States during the 1940’s was the first, and only, Chicano play to open on Broadway.
This collection contains three of playwright and screenwriter Luis Valdez’s most important and recognized plays: Zoot Suit, Bandido! and I Don’t Have to Show You No Stinking Badges. The anthology also includes an introduction by noted theater critic Dr. Jorge Huerta of the University of California-San Diego. Luis Valdez, the most recognized and celebrated Hispanic playwright of our times, is the director of the famous farm-worker theater, El Teatro Campesino.
[cc_product sku=”978-1-55885-048-4″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]

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