The secret to my success on Wall Street

*Think of this as a roadmap, not necessarily to land an internship at Goldman Sachs and a job on Wall Street, although that’s what Julissa Arce did, but as a how-to, to make a long term plan, and carry it out. Add the fact that she did all of this while undocumented and you have a great story. VL
By Julissa Arce, CNBC
I was a sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin when I saw a poster that read: ” Make $10,000 for the summer with an internship on Wall Street.”
For a young woman who had $5 in her bank account, $10,000 seemed like a fortune and the answer to all her problems. I thought: “That’s where I need to be!”
Even though I was a business major, I knew very little about Wall Street and less about how to land an internship. I soon learned that the odds were not in my favor: I was a woman, I was Hispanic, I had no connections and no legal papers for employment. Wall Street was a boys’ club, and I didn’t have a membership. Regardless, I had my eyes set on Wall Street and I put all my efforts into getting there.
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After attending an information session for the Sponsors for Educational Opportunities (SEO), an organization that brings outstanding students from underrepresented minorities to Wall Street, and speaking to aGoldman Sachs recruiter, I learned a couple of things. First, if I was going to work on Wall Street . . . READ MORE
[Screenshot courtesy of NCBC]
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