This is Why Mexicans Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
*In case you were wondering. I like this story because it goes beyond the same-old “San Patricios” stories we read every year in Mid-March. This one explains how and why Irish immigrants came to the U.S. and the reasons some of them defected to the Mexican army. I’m not saying it’s not known history, but I am saying we rarely see it in the usual, yearly posts. It’s worth reading. VL
By Eddy Martinez, Remezcla (3.5 minute read)
Everyone seems to wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day – even the vomit! And even though everyone pretends to be Irish on St. Patrick’s day, for Latinos the holiday is also a reminder that the Irish Diaspora emigrated all over Latin America, including Mexico. It wasn’t all good drunk times. Irish men have fought and died for Mexico.
I think you know where I am going with this.
Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, this is the story of the Batallón de San Patricio. Let us bear witness to the incredible story of men who dared to dream… and were later screwed royally. Talk about inspiration!
How the hell did Irish people end up in Mexico? Let us explain.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo courtesy of Remezcla]