Spanish-language State of the Union GOP response offers different immigration message

FYI – It wasn’t exactly the same message. In English the message was about protecting the border and strict immigration laws. In Spanish it was about reforming the immigration system. VL

Fox_News_LatinoBy Fox News Latino

The Republican Party’s response to President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union address on Tuesday night differed very slightly, but in telling ways, depending on whether you heard it in English or Spanish.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, the U.S.-born daughter of Indian immigrants, offered the GOP response in English, urging Americans to resist “the siren call of the angriest voices” in how the nation treats immigrants. Her discussion about immigration focused on protecting the border.

Meantime, longtime Miami Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, a U.S. born son of Cuban immigrants, delivered essentially the same speech in Spanish, offering an identical warning to “resist the temptation” of listening to those angry voices, but Diaz-Balart focused on passing immigration reform as the main solution to the problem.

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