GOP Candidates Demand Equal Time After Donald Trump Hosts ‘SNL’ While Hispanic Lawmakers Still Stew

*I get that this is serious news, but I can’t help but chuckle at it. NBC exec’s clearly didn’t see this coming, but it’s the law and now they have to deal with it. Imagine Graham, Gilmore, Huckabee, Pataki or Kasich hosting SNL … The NBC folks opened a can of worms they didn’t realize was there. VL

deadlinehollywood_logo__131119223822By Lisa de Moraes, Deadline Hollywood

Execs at NBC television stations are in a spectrum of reaction that runs from “lying low” to “fetal position,” depending on which station, while NBC network execs negotiate “me too” requests made other GOP hopefuls after Trump’s controversial Saturday Night Live appearance. Within the prescribed seven-day window, Lindsey Graham, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki and John Kasich all got in line for the FCC-mandated equal-time handout after Trump’s November 7 hosting of the late-night show. Station execs say they expect NBC to announce to them next week what is its game plan for the Republican candidates’ equal time filings in the wake of Trump’s 12-minute, 5-second starring turn, during which he danced to “Hotline Bling,” got called a racist by Bernie Sanders’ doppelganger Larry David and played the laser harp.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Screenshot courtesy of NBC]

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