How Two Mexican Runners Were Involved in the Most Memorable NYC Marathon Finish of All Time

*How about that! The winner of the NYC marathon, from Mexico, made a wrong turn with 1/2 mile left, but managed to come back to win the race. VL
By Alfonso Félix, Remezcla
The names Germán Silva and Benjamin Paredes might not mean much to you, but these two Mexican men were involved in one of the most memorable marathon finishes in history. The two runners were shoulder to shoulder until the last half mile of the New York City Marathon, but then Silva took a wrong turn, apparently killing his chances of taking first place.
The story could have been a tragic one for Silva, one of those moments that gives some people schadenfreude (deriving pleasure from the misfortune of others), but the Mexican runner showed character, perseverance, and very good training, because he turned around, caught up to his paisano, passed him, and claimed the first place prize.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo courtesy of Remezcla]