Bourdain: Trump’s deportation plan would ‘shut down’ every US restaurant

*I know there are many Bourdain fans among you, and you’re fans precisely because of things like this. He stood up for Latino restauranteurs and restaurant staff against Donald Trump and his immigration plan. In the process he exposed a reality that remains willfully invisible to many in the “foodie” community. This is important. VL
By Joy Y. Wang, MSNBC
Television travel host and former chef Anthony Bourdain sees a serious problem with Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s plan to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants: “Every restaurant in America would shut down.”
Bourdain, who discussed the topic on the SiriusXM program “StandUP With Pete Dominick,” called immigrants from Mexico and Central America “the backbone” of the restaurant industry.
Since announcing his candidacy in June — when he called Mexicans criminals and rapists — Trump has recommended deporting the millions of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. He also said he would build a physical wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, again declaring at Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate that he would make Mexico pay for the wall and include “big, fat beautiful door” for legal immigration.
Bourdain called the plan to build a wall at the border “ridiculous” but added that “serious minds can honestly disagree on what we want to do in the future as far as how tightly we want to control our borders and how many more people we want to let in.”
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[Photo courtesy of Peabody Awards/Flickr]