Latino Republicans Write Off Trump, Send Warning To Cruz

*Conservatve Latinos: “It’s a shot across the bow to candidates who embrace Trump and who embrace those proposals that you should be worried, because we’re going to call you out.” VL


By Zeke J. Miller, TIME

A group of influential Republican Latino activists blasted Donald Trump on the eve of the third Republican presidential debate, while warning other Republicans against embracing his rhetoric and policies and suggesting they would withhold their support in a general election if they do.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday from a hotel ballroom one mile from where 14 Republicans will face-off Wednesday evening, the leaders said they are unanimously “over” Donald Trump, saying he is unelectable in their view because he can’t win over the Hispanic voters needed to win in swing states. The group stopped short of condemning others who have embraced Trump and similar policies, like Sen. Ted Cruz, to a similar fate—at least just yet.

“This group unanimously has decided that Donald Trump is not a candidate who we can support,” said Jerry Natividad, one of the organizers of the meeting, adding that the group will be before the December GOP debate in Las Vegas to evaluate the remaining candidates.

Behind closed doors, the group of about 20 Hispanic leaders discussed all the candidates running, said Mario Lopez, the president of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, in hopes of beginning to differentiate between those who can win the White House and those who are damaging the party with a vital group of voters.

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[Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr]
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