Mexico Crackdown on Central American Child Migrants Increasing

*Why the number of child immigrants is decreasing on the U.S. border. It’s not because less of them are leaving their homes. VL

NBC_News_2013_logoBy Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News

Mexico is set to eclipse the U.S. for the first time in apprehensions of child migrants from Central America, reflecting its new role as an immigration enforcer, a report released Thursday shows.

[pullquote][tweet_dis]Mexico has been adapting to its changing migration reality from being a country of origin to becoming a country of mostly transit and increasingly of destination.[/tweet_dis][/pullquote]

The Migration Policy Institute reports that Mexico’s apprehensions of child migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador – collectively known as the northern Triangle – are expected to increase, while such apprehensions by the U.S. are dropping sharply.

Meanwhile, Mexico’s deportations of Central American child migrants – greater than the U.S. for a number of years _ also are growing so that this year Mexico deportations of Central American children are expected to be 12 times those of the U.S., compared to double in 2014, institute researchers said.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by U.S. Customs and Border Protection/Flickr]
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