Latinos wanted immigration specifics from GOP debate, but none came

*I was thinking about how the candidates at the GOP debate last week were vague on immigration. Yes, they sounded like the immigration hawks the base wants them to sound like. But there was nothing substantial, no specifics beyond walls and lines and deportation. I’m glad Mercedes Olivera took-up the issue. A couple of very cool things: Mercedes is a Taquista, we’re happy she follows us, and so is one of the activists she quotes, Melissa Salas Blair. Proof that Taquistas are thought leaders. VL

DMNBy Mercedes Olivera, Dallas Morning News

The GOP debate among 10 contenders Thursday evening was predictable to many Latinos, both Republicans and Democrats.

What few saw coming, though, was how well U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida would do, and how disappointed many would be with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

[pullquote]”[tweet_dis]… most of the candidates in Thursday’s GOP debate either ignored the vast majority of the 55 million Latinos in this country who are U.S. citizens or demonized Latino immigrants.[/tweet_dis]”[/pullquote]

Most of the talk came down to this: Secure the border. Build a wall. Keep them out.

None of the talk came down to this: specifics.

Melissa Salas Blair, a Fort Worth Latina conservative activist, said the secure-the-border mantra simply doesn’t work.

“What exactly does that mean?” she asked in a Facebook message. “That you won’t work on immigration reform even piecemeal until you can scientifically prove not ONE person got through our border ‘illegally’? I mean, is that their angle?”

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo courtesy of Fox News]
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