Donald Trump, GOP et al v Latinos, et al

*Henry Flores says that all Donald Trump did was voice what the “dominant society feels and thinks about Latinos and other people of color.” Donald said what he said because from his place of privilege he feels he can get away with it. VL
By Dr. Henry Flores, NewsTaco
Racism keeps fueling the political fire almost every day, from the highest levels of the political structure to the lowest. Donald Trump gave us a highlight reel of racism with his latest comments. Here is a guy who feels he can say whatever he wants to anyone, anyway, using whatever language he wishes simply because he has a lot of money; as if money privilege gives you the right to insult people whenever you wish. Nevertheless, Donald’s ravings about Mexicans reveal the deep seated-nature of racism in our society.
[pullquote]Donald’s ravings about Mexicans reveal the deep seated-nature of racism in our society.[/pullquote]What Donald Said?
Donald declared that we had to strengthen border security to keep immigrants from the south crossing illegally. He pointed out that Mexico was not our friend because it was sending us its criminals, drug dealers and rapists. Since then he has tried to correct himself but the manner in which he does lacks sincerity and comes across as patronizing as if he were a “colonial master.” When Jeb Bush rebuked him, Donald stated that the only reason Bush was soft on illegal immigrants was because Bush was married to a Mexican. Donald “The Orange Hair Job Guy” just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole. He is popular with the extremists inside the Republican Party and this is creating other problems.
GOP Problems
The Hair Job Guy has placed Republicans on the defensive and only a couple of the other extremists such as Ted “Gene McCarthy” Cruz and Rand Paul (I’ll figure out a nickname for him soon) have come out in support of Donald. Of course, all three of these guys are favorites of the extremists. The other Republicans are lost for words. This says a great deal about this motley crew.
[pullquote]Why don’t the other GOP presidential candidates come out and castigate Donald for making racist statements?[/pullquote]Why don’t the other GOP presidential candidates come out and castigate Donald for making racist statements? Do they share the same feelings about Mexicans as the Hair Job Guy? Or, are they afraid to alienate one of the constituency groups that make up the core of the GOP. Republicans sure have come a long way since abolition. Mr. Lincoln is probably turning over in his grave watching this all play out. [tweet_dis]Donald’s anti-Mexican language strikes fear into the hearts of the GOP establishment and creates confusion among the rank and file.[/tweet_dis] I wonder how Latino Republicans feel knowing that some of their leaders are just plain and simple racists? [tweet_dis]How do Latino Republicans feel standing in front of these racists, trying to justify to other Latinos that we should vote for candidates who, deep down in their hearts, hate and loath us?[/tweet_dis] I think Latino GOPers need to take a serious look at themselves and do an inventory of why they are supporting and working for such vile people?
So, Why are Donald, Ted and Rand Racists?
The answer to this question lies in the historical relationships between Latinos and Anglos and the way Anglos have defined the social world and their relationship to other people. Ever since Western Europeans subjugated people of color during the expansionary era of the late 15th through 19th Centuries they have relied on racial thinking to justify their imperialistic behavior. It was fine to enslave Africans and massacre Native Americans because these groups were uncivilized and not Christians. In the late 17th Century and through the middle of the 20th Century pseudo-scientists created what has come to be known as “scientific racism” that concludes that Anglos are biologically superior to all other “races.” These ideas gave birth to a way of thinking about people of color. As our society has evolved [tweet_dis]racial thinking has permeated many public policy areas including education, health, public accommodations and public safety to the extent that public policy is written under unstated racial assumptions.[/tweet_dis] [pullquote][tweet_dis]All Donald did was articulate what the dominant society feels and thinks about Latinos and other people of color.[/tweet_dis][/pullquote]
All Donald did was articulate what the dominant society feels and thinks about Latinos and other people of color. He together with his colleagues and supporters think that Latinos are less than Anglos. The Hair Job Guy thinks that we are naturally criminals, drug dealers and rapists. This is what we do in the normal course of our days. We are not doctors, lawyers, professors, teachers, parents or even loyal citizens of the United States. It goes even further Donald’s sentiments reflect a deep-seated racism that permeates American society and needs uprooting.
Henry Flores, PhD, is the Distinguished University Research Professor, Institute of Public Administration and Public Service; Director, Masters in Public Administration (MPA); Professor of International Relations and Political Science at St. Mary’s University. He is the author of Latinos and the Voting Rights Act: The Search for Racial Purpose.
Latinos and the Voting Rights Act: The Search for Racial Purpose.