Obama scolds transgender immigrant who heckled him at White House: ‘Shame on you!’

*An awkward moment, to say the least. There’s a lot to unbundle. The president refered to the White House as his house, and yes, he and his family live there and the people present were invited. But the White House is thought of as the people’s house, with two parallel ideas: It’s a symbol of the nation, so it should be respected as such, and does every citizen have the right to disrupt an event in order to be heard? If so, when is a disruption enough? You can hear loud clapping from the people gathered when the heckling woman is removed form the room. VL
President Barack Obama scolded a heckler at a gay pride month reception at the White House Wednesday, saying that the protester was being disrespectful in “my house.”
The heckler, Jennicet Gutiérrez, had interrupted Obama’s remarks by protesting the detention and deportation of gay, lesbian and transgender immigrants.
[pullquote][tweet_dis]”Hey. Listen. You’re in my house.” President Obama, to Latino transgender heckler.[/tweet_dis][/pullquote]Gutiérrez is a transgender immigrant from Mexico and a member of FAMILIA TQLM, established to advocate for LGBTQ immigrants often excluded in the immigration debate.
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[Screenshot courtesy of White House video]