New Census data shows Latinos driving shift in U.S. population demographic

*This is a lot like watching food cook. We know what’s happening, it’s been happening since before the 2000 Census discovered Latinos. The growth is statistically undeniable and the yearly Census updates tell a recurring story – new data (55.4 million Latinos), new evidence that Latinos are transforming the U.S. Paragraph six tells the big story, the demographic passing of the baby boom generation. VL
Census Bureau data released on Thursday shows that it is a phenomenon that is happening across America: Latinos are moving into municipalities and counties, often replacing residents heading to other places in search of better jobs or a lower cost of living, and they are making the population base younger and more ethnically diverse.
[pullquote]”[tweet_dis]In a sense, 2015 marks the demographic passing of the baby boom generation[/tweet_dis], and it will continue to be an ever smaller part of the total U.S. population until it disappears altogether later this century.”[/pullquote]According to the new data, there are 55.4 million Hispanics in the U.S. as of July 2014, an increase of 2.1 percent from the previous year. Although, of course, that change hasn’t been uniform.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by Kanaka Menehune/Flickr]