Jeb Bush’s security team booted Latino group from speech, leaders claim

*The day of Bush’s announcement the attention was on the group of immigration protesters who got into the event and caused Jeb to go off script. But not all groups were allowed to stay in the venue. This group that was asked to leave say all they wanted was to listen and take a picture. VL
By Jess Swanson, New Times
A group of five farmworkers and their seven children from Polk County woke up before sunrise Monday. They drove more than 200 miles to Miami Dade College to witness Jeb Bush’s presidential announcement.
But they never got to see him, because an hour before Jeb went on, his security team informed the group members that they would have to leave the venue. Why? They “might be a threat to security.”[pullquote]… they were booted possibly because of their matching shirts. [/pullquote]
That’s what Natalia Jaramillo, a spokesperson for the Florida Immigrant Coalition, tells New Times. Jaramillo was seated with the group and says they were booted possibly because of their matching shirts.
“They targeted any group that looked like an immigrant group with no other reason or explanation than saying they had a yellow T-shirt,” Jaramillo says.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by Natalia Jaramillo, courtesy of New Times]