Hillary Clinton names DREAMer activist to head her Latino outreach

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced this morning that a DREAMer activist has been named to head its Latino outreach. Lorella Praeli, born in Peru and brought to the U.S. at the age of ten, will direct Hillary for America’s Latino strategy.  She’ll be the primary liaison between the campaign and the Latino community across the country and serve as a key surrogate in the press on issues important to the Latino community, including immigration reform.

An announcement sent to NewsTaco lists her acomplishments:

  •  Praeli was most recently the Advocacy and Policy Director of United We Dream, the largest immigrant-youth led network dedicated to advancing the rights of undocumented Americans in the U.S.
  • Praeli was responsible for developing the organization’s political strategy for all elements of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, and implementation of the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.
  • She created national and local grassroots, and communication strategies to persuade elected officials to support CIR, DACA, and DAPA, and developed contrast campaigns against those with anti-immigrant positions.

The announcement comes weeks after another Latina, Amanda Renteria, was named the campaign’s political director and Emmy Ruiz was tapped to head the campaign in Nevada.

Praelli los her right leg in a car accident when she was 2 and her parents brought her to the U.S. to get better access to prosthetic care and opportunities for differently-abled children.

[Screenshot courtesy of strugglevideomedia YouTube]
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