Loretta Sanchez enters 2016 Senate race in California counting on her Latino roots

*It wasn’t the most smooth campain launch. Loretta Sanchez said she hdn’t made her mind up, then an anouncement advisory was leaked, and taken back. Then yesterday Sanchez made her formal announcement to run to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer. She has a formidable opponent, Kamala Harris has already raised $2.4 million. VL
By Marcia Facundo, Fox News Latino
SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez announced Thursday that she will be running for the California’s U.S. Senate seat being vacated at the end of the year by Barbara Boxer.
“I am running for the Senate because I am passionate about California and I believe we need a strong and experienced legislator in the Senate,” said Sanchez, a Democrat, amid a group of supporters at the kickoff of her campaign.
If she wins, she will be the first Latina in the U.S. and the first Hispanic-American from California to hold a seat in the Senate.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by Marcia Facundo, courtsy of Fox News Latino]