House Panel Tees Up Another Immigration Fight On Defense Bill

*This is looking to be a big fight on the floor of the House, and it should be coming soon.  It’s a defense appropriations bill, but the fight will be about DREAMers, and Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Some GOP immigration hawks don’t want to look like they’re supporting the President on immigration, so they’ll fight a provision approved by the House Armed Services Committee. VL

Huffington_Post-Politics-Logo-220x100By Elise Foley, Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives will soon get another chance to add to its record of voting against measures friendly to Dreamers, the young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children — or to make a rare vote in their favor.

On Wednesday evening, the Rules Committee approved 135 amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act to go for a vote before the full House. One of those amendments, offered by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), would strip a measure in the defense bill that asks the Defense Department to consider allowing certain Dreamers to enlist in the military.

The language in the NDAA that Brooks’ amendment targets came from Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) and was already approved by the House Armed Services Committee in a bipartisan vote. Though Gallego’s measure is small in scope, it still caused a furor among immigration hawks, showing how toxic anything perceived as supporting President Barack Obama’s immigration policies remains among certain GOP lawmakers.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Rep. Mo Brooks Facebook page]
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