Senate Democrats block Obama-backed trade deal

*This is important specifically because of how Latino attitudes toward internationa trade are percieved in the higest levels of national politics. Read down to the 9th paragraph, where the article talks about the Latino “lack of anxiety” toward trade. VL


los_angeles_times_logoBy Don Lee and Lisa Mascaro, The Los Angeles Times

Even as President Obama’s bid for a sweeping Pacific trade deal was dealt a stinging blow by lawmakers in his own party, there is growing support from the American public for expanding global commerce, particularly among Latinos and blacks whose influence is rising in the Democratic Party.

Senate Democrats successfully filibustered a White House-backed measure Tuesday to give Obama the authority he said he needs to complete the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership.

But the sharp contrast between the politics on Capitol Hill and the views of voters on the ground suggests Obama may yet succeed as he presses ahead with his top legislative goal in the waning months of his presidency.

Various surveys indicate that substantially more Democrats today favor trade agreements than a few years ago, when most liberals feared they would shift U.S. jobs overseas.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr]
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