Bill Clinton: Path To Citizenship Best Way To Appeal To Latino Voters

*Funny, how most pundits and writers are saying that Hillary’s ideas on immigration mirror Bill’s. But she’s the candidate, and she made her immigration speech last week. So, isn’t Bill reinforcing her stance? That said, it could be a doubling-down of  Hillary’s immigration political trap. The GOP candidates have yet to respond directly. VL

buzzfeed-logoBy Adrian Carrasquillo, BuzzFeed

Bill Clinton made the case for ultimately granting undocumented immigrants citizenship Tuesday — at the biggest Hispanic media organization’s advertising presentation in New York.

A path to citizenship, he said, is the best way to appeal to Latino voters.

“If I were advising candidates, you have to have a credible position on immigration reform, the only thing that makes sense is a path to citizenship,” he said in an interview with Fusion’s Alicia Menendez at Univision’s upfronts presentation.

The stance, unsurprisingly, mirrors the one taken last week by Hillary Clinton in an unusually detailed campaign event in Las Vegas. There, she tacked strongly to the left on immigration, saying she supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and said she were open to expanding upon President Obama’s executive actions she could do if Congress does not pass an immigration overhaul.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Center for American Progress Action Fund/Flickr]
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