Ted Cruz says Obama has fueled racial tensions

*This is part of an overdue meeting between Cruz and Javier Palomarez, president of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Cruz was invited to the USHCC conference in 2014, he didnt’ show. To make amends Cruz agreed to a sit-down conversation with Palomarez at the National Press Club. The room was filled with non-Latino journalists, so the headline was about Baltimore and Cruz’s dislike of the President. VL

By Todd J. Gillman, The Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz accused President Barack Obama on Wednesday of fueling racial tensions nationwide, implicitly blaming him for riots in Baltimore and Ferguson, Mo., after police-related deaths of black suspects.

“President Obama, when he was elected, he could have been a unifying figure,” Cruz said when asked how he would address the violence that erupted after Freddie Gray, 25, died of spinal injuries in police custody in Baltimore. Instead, “he’s made decisions that I think have inflamed racial tensions — that have divided us rather than bringing us together.”

Cruz, a GOP presidential candidate, took questions for 90 minutes from Javier Palomarez, president and chief executive of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, at the National Press Club.

Click HERE to read the full story.

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